Volunteers @ Hub Feenix

Code of Conduct (House rules)

Hub Feenix is a non-profit community and cooperation that promotes creativity, wellbeing and continuous learning. Hub’s own values are love of life, fairness, constant learning of new things, and giving back to life.

These common rules have been created, so that everyone who stays, works, lives and visits Hub Feenix can feel completely safe and well. These rules apply to everyone who works, lives and visits in Hub’s inside and outside premises.

Both adults and children follow the same rules, and also the guests who are taking part in events and courses.

At Hub Feenix, everyone is treated and addressed kindly, respectfully and equally, regardless of gender, color, age, nationality, profession, sexual orientation or social status.
Everyone respects the personal space and physical and mental integrity of others.

Any kind of physical interaction always requires the consent of both parties. If you would experience harassment in any situation, please contact our staff. We have a special person for these situations.

Everyone in Hub Feenix’s indoor and outdoor premises commits to behaving in such a way that they do not cause disturbance or shock to other people in the area. In public spaces, everyone must wear clothing, and use swimsuits when using the sauna or swimming in the lake.

Vegetarian eating is mandatory within the house, as well as low alcohol consumption (and no substances) in all of Hub's premises and outdoor areas.

Everyone in Hub Feenix respects the property of others. Use of the machines, equipment and spaces of the Hub is always agreed separately, as is the fee for using them.

Everyone in Hub Feenix is obliged to be considerate of others and not cause disturbance. Loud working and other loud noises must be avoided between the hours of 22:00 – 08:00.

Other handy things to know

Our aim together is to always keep the public spaces looking nice and inviting in Hub Feenix! There can be visitors coming to look at the place any time, so let’s not leave tools, cleaning equipment, our clothes or shoes, etc. wandering around.

All the outside doors must always be kept locked. The main door can sometimes be open during events and courses, but only during daytime. And remember to give back your outdoor key when leaving!

Everything you see at Hub Feenix is always somebody’s property, that somebody has bought. So please always ask first if you need to take or use something. The food storages on the 1st floor are only for the use of the cafeteria / customer kitchen. Common volunteer food can be found in the accommodation corridor kitchen, and the room next to it.

We recycle all the waste we can - old food, plastic, cardboard, paper, metal, glass.
In Finland you get money back from empty drinking bottles and cans, so it’s worth taking them back to the shop and not crush them.

There’s small recycling unit in the kitchen, and a little bit bigger one in the storage room opposite to the kitchen. The main recycling room is in the 1B corridor. Mixed waste that cannot be recycled goes to the big black bin in the back yard, ask Maija for more detailed instructions.

When the bucket for composted food gets full, it should be emptied in the wooden compost box in the inner yard (close to the saunas). There's one with 4 sections, where you should use the section that doesn’t have a stone on it, and another one a little bit after this one. When the bucket is empty, wash it, and then fill it 1/4 with sawdust.

Heating this big house in the winter time is very expensive, so let’s take good care of the heated spaces. Electric heaters are the most expensive to use (10-20€ a day) so we use them only when really needed. Keep the door of your room open during daytime, so the warm air from the pumps in the corridor can get in. If you need to use the electric heater during the night, always keep it at level 1 and remember to switch it off in the morning. You can also borrow an electric heat-blanket for your bed.

If you need fresh air in your room, keep the window open for only 5 minutes while you’re in the room.

We do our best, but it is often pretty cool indoors too. The best way to stay warm is to wear a lot of warm clothes inside the house. We will lend you some if you need.

There is an automatic fire alarm system in the house, so we can't burn candles or incenses inside. It costs 1000€ if the fire brigade drives here for a false alarm.

When having visitors, and showing them around, only stay in the areas that are meant for the public. Please don’t take visitors to the basement or the storage corridors.

It’s possible to rent spaces for your own interest, like art studio, wood workshop, treatment space, etc. For the volunteers, using a space for one hour, costs one hour of work. If heating is needed, there’s a separate fee for that. If you would like to rent a space for a longer time, or for a bigger group of people, that is also possible. Talk to Torsten beforehand to agree on the renting details.

Always feel free to ask, if you need help or information. There are no silly questions!